Principal's Message

On behalf of the CEC staff, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our grade 9 and 10 students. To our grade 11 and 12 students welcome back. At CEC, we are committed to providing you, the students, with an educational experience that will help you develop to your fullest potential. We are proud of our rich history of academic, extracurricular, athletic, and artistic programs designed to benefit and advance student curricular and extracurricular achievements. There is something for each and every student at Cobequid Educational Centre.

To all students, I urge you to make the most of your time here. Your first priority must be your academics as they are the stepping stones toward larger goals in life. While the staff will do everything within its power to assist you, commitment and involvement are the two component you must bring to school. If you do this, I believe your years here will be rewarding, exciting, and beneficial to your future.

Please take some time and familiarize yourself with the Student Handbook and Communication Plan, these can both be found on our school website under Document Depot. These documents are an excellent resource for all students and parents and it is expected that students and parents take the time to familiarize themselves with them so they are aware of and understand the major school policies and procedures. This handbook is a guide to providing information relevant to the smooth running of the school but may not answer all questions regarding school policies and rules.


Please feel free to contact the Main Office and / or Student Services with any questions, concerns or problems. The administration and staff are here to help you.

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